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Photo: Johanna Norin
Photo: Johanna Norin

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Skellefteå selected as potential site for Northvolt’s EUR 4bn battery plant

Northvolt, a Sweden-based start-up, today announced that the Swedish municipality of Skellefteå has been selected as one of two potential sites for a EUR 4 billion-manufacturing facility set to become the largest lithium-ion battery plant in Europe.

The decision by Northvolt is testament not only to Skellefteå’s, but Sweden’s green energy credentials, thriving start-up scene, and ample supply of the required raw materials.

“We’re delighted to have been selected as one of the final two sites for Northvolt’s planned battery plant. Skellefteå is a municipality that has access to 100 per cent renewable energy, and is a region with an established industrial tradition, an innovation-based and forward-thinking business sector, while simultaneously offering an exceptional quality of life for an international work force,” says Maria Marklund, vice chairman of the municipal board of Skellefteå.

The demand for green energy storage is set to increase rapidly in the coming years, and Northvolt’s planned factory is expected to be one of the most important industrial ventures in Sweden, valued at EUR 4 billion and expected to result in some 3,000 job opportunities.

Skellefteå has capabilities to meet the needs of a venture of this calibre. Having shortlisted about forty proposals, Northvolt visited and evaluated ten potential sites in Sweden and Finland during the spring. The infrastructure capabilities, availability of highly skilled professionals, power supplies, and transport networks are among the factors that have been evaluated. Skellefteå has put together a package that meets and exceeds the requirements for establishing a factory of the highest international standards. The city of Västerås is the other potential candidate.

“I’m incredibly proud of the work of our team, including energy company Skellefteå Kraft and regional partners. We worked closely together to produce a remarkably strong offer that demonstrates that major industrial ventures can thrive and succeed in Skellefteå,” says Kristina Sundin Jonsson, chief executive of Skellefteå municipality.

In addition to well-developed infrastructure in terms of air, rail and sea links, access to raw materials, and energy sources, Skellefteå is ranked among the top cities in Sweden in terms of quality of life. Skellefteå is, therefore, a prime location for a highly skilled and international work force that Northvolt’s factory would seek to attract.

Two major research universities are based in the region, along with a thriving and well-established start-up community, all surrounded by a beautiful natural environment, with a rich cultural life for young professionals and families.

“Few locations match Skellefteå’s offering in terms of providing a high quality location, and we are proud to be an energy supplier that offers 100 per cent renewable energy,” says Hans Kreisel, Skellefteå Kraft CEO.

For more information:

Maria Marklund (S), vice chairman of the municipal board of Skellefteå, ph: +46 70-673 1146.

Kristina Sundin Jonsson, chief executive of Skellefteå municipality, ph: +46 70-608 8969.

Hans Kreisel, CEO, Skellefteå Kraft, ph: +46 72-217 58 21.



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www.skelleftea.se, Tel: 0910-73 50 00, Om du har några frågor, gå in på www.skelleftea.se/skriv.

Copyright © Skellefteå kommun.


Helena Renström

Helena Renström

Presskontakt Expochef SE26 072-5604837 Society Expo 2026 - SE26
Karolina Sundström

Karolina Sundström

Presskontakt Kommunikatör, marknadsenheten, Skellefteå kommun 0730485440
Torunn Törnblom

Torunn Törnblom

Presskontakt Marknadsstrateg, marknadsenheten, Skellefteå kommun Campus Skellefteå, högre utbildning 070-860 26 25 Campus Skellefteå
David Ekström

David Ekström

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Skellefteå kommun 076-1273827 Webbplats

Jessica Hedström

Presskontakt Näringslivssekreterare 072-227 69 25
Agnetha Boström

Agnetha Boström

Presskontakt Pressansvarig 076-127 94 32
Emilie Sjölund

Emilie Sjölund

Presskontakt Presskommunikatör 073-020 70 64

Anna Drejing-Carroll

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Society Expo 2026 070-5081872
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Skellefteå, Sweden
Skellefteå, Sweden
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